Recognizing that people often have many different types of trauma in their lives. Providing an environment of safety, compassion, and empathy to foster a peaceful place for complete healing.
Holistic methods approach the person "as a whole," recognizing the interconnectedness of all pieces. Not only do we explore the connection between our minds, bodies and moods, but also our place within the larger world.
Mental x Emotional x Physical x Spiritual
Understanding the inherent negativity bias in the brain and learning how to alter and reprogram it by forming new neural connections. Everyday tools to construct a happier and more positive outlook.
Can we allow things to be as they are and not cling to any specific outcome? Can we accept that everything is impermanent and is in a constant state of change?
Build a more meaningful and fulfilling life, a life with personal happiness and well-being. Seek connection, stimulation, novelty, passion, creativity. These practices get us from that "going through the motions" feeling to a life that is fully alive.
Developing awareness of sensation in our body allows us to tap into the body's power and recognize it as our greatest resource. No longer alienated from our body, we now feel deeply safe and connected within it. Difficult emotions, like fear and pain, can flow through us and strengthen us - rather than paralyze us.
Spirit directs our attention to the cosmos and the planet; to huge ideas and vast adventures; to prayer, meditation and other spiritual practices; to a worldview and philosophy of life. Spirit expands our heart and mind, gives us vision and courage, and offers us a strong sense of meaning and purpose.
Being in "flow" involves complete absorption in what we're doing, and brings a sense of serenity, timelessness, and a break from worrying about ourselves. Finding flow also comes as we relax into the natural downstream ease of a river's current, instead of kicking our hardest to swim upstream. We are allowing ourselves to be with life as it is, rather than what we think it "should" be.